The North America Throwball Federation (NATF), also known as the North America Sports Association (NASA), achieved a significant milestone by...
The event was part of the organisation’s larger initiative, NPCI Synergy #Unlockinggrowthtogether National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI),...
Solving content discovery challenges with Single Sign-On, Single Subscription, and a Unified Interface for 24+ Apps and 300+ Channels...
~Over 50,000 Indian students from underrepresented secondary school students in Andhra Pradesh have completed the University of Melbourne’s Schools Engagement...
New region in India marks a milestone for the company to enhance data compliance and AI-powered cloud capabilitiesQlik®, a global...
EDITIOR’S SYNOPSIS· Ambuja Cements organises ‘Khel Utsav’ at Darlaghat, a sports event that brings together over 400 students, teachers, and dignitaries.· Event...
Worldmark Aerocity, New Delhi, a distinguished mixed-use development by Brookfield Properties, concluded its much-anticipated World Food Carnival on a celebratory...
· TheTeacherApp offers free, high-quality, interactive digital resources to support diverse teacher learning styles. · Empowers educators with innovative and...
Expanding its presence in India, Vietjet Thailand is excited to announce the launch of its inaugural Mumbai – Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi)...
Jagat Pharma, a leading Ayurvedic company known for its effective Ayurvedic products, now launching its new wellness supplement—Marine Collagen. The...